Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Regretting It Later

'Member what I said in my last post about regretting it later?

This morning I headed out (with my camera) to see the new chick that was hatching last night.

On the ground outside the coop lay a partially hatched chick, flattened.

Crystal was happily sitting on the rest of the eggs on her nest.
This stupid bird apparently loves to just sit on eggs for the fun of it.  Hatching throws her WAY off, like what is going on??  Peeping?  A defective egg!  Quick, peck it and get it out of here!  It's ruining my quiet time with these other eggs!

Today marks week 4 for the original two eggs, so I took those out and threw them away.  I did not open them, I just threw them away.  I was going to take away her last egg, but I thought I'd let her do the sitting and turning.  I'll check back and when I notice peeping or pecking I'll take it away from her and hatch it in the house.  IF it hatches at all!

Just so you know, Crystal is going to the butcher.  Her special brand of talents are not really needed around here.  I accuse her of pecking other hatching chicks last year, but I had hoped she'd be better this year.  At least last year she mothered a little baby!

Now, I have to go on today and not take out my irritation on the kids and Shane.  I hate chickens!!

1 comment:

  1. I like your last line... :) Being sure not to pull a Crystal and peck your babies. You're awesome!
