Saturday, August 18, 2012

Inspiration for Homeschooling

Last week, I began using the internet for more serious inspiration for organizing.

I have issues with this...  deep-seated, prideful, stifling issues.

I don't spend too much time looking at the coolness of life out in blogland because it makes all my insecurities rise to the frothy surface of my mind.  And if it's "hip" and "in" and "everybody's doing it", then I want to make sure that I don't accidentally do it, too.

Like I said.  Pride issues, mostly. 

Back in high school, I was the worst, and let me just clarify WORST dresser there.  It was truly shameful, but there it is.  At some point, the fad of wearing knee socks came "in".  I had already been wearing them, but you can bet I stopped the moment I saw girls in the preppy crowd wearing them.  

But the time has come to set aside foolish pride and....  wait, I think the time to set aside pride came and went many years ago.  But I guess I had to wait until that fad passed...???  

Point being, I found some great ideas for getting organized as I perused the web and I wanted to share. You have got to see this wizardry.  One gal did a review of the most amazing homeschool room I have EVER seen.  At least, it speaks to me.  So go check it out and then I'll tell you what I loved about it.


Incredible, eh?  I love the huge gobs of storage that don't look sloppy or slapped together, stuff hanging out.  I love how the bins are shelves and can be pulled totally out and set on a table or work space, then loaded back up and put away.  I love the wood, I love the clean lines, I love that it's a bunch of IKEA stuff, too!

I love the wall storage up high, I love the expedit bookshelf that has books plus box storage in it.  I love how so much STUFF is organized in a way that doesn't tire the eye or the mind.  (I know about tired mind!)

So my latest plan is to:
*finagle an IKEA trip out of my husband (check!)
*catalog EVERY item in my house related to kids or school, record it's dimensions and decide what size/quantity of container I need for it
*choose which styles of trofast shelving I want and everything else I want from IKEA

I must still:
*clean the old master brm for transformation into school room
*rip out carpet (but save and store it)
*put in flooring, probably cork, hence the reason for saving carpet
*paint (ugggg!)
*convert Shane's old walk-in closet office into a kids LIBRARY!  Isn't that great?  I'm filled with too many ideas already.

How in the WORLD am I going to start school this century???  


  1. oooo. Sooo cool. Just took a look and its totally wonderful. I can't wait to see how it goes. As for pride, I sympathize completely. Its taken me forever to just realize that there are so many great ideas/patterns out there and I don't know everything (and that's ok)- also that it isn't weakness to learn something from someone else:) Good luck and can't wait to see!!

  2. AWESOME! I was thinking of you as we drove by the Denver IKEA last week. (I was also selfishly wishing my hubs would agree to a random stop there if only to look around. But, alas, he is way too practical and I hadn't done my homework!) Have fun organizing and holler if you need a hand.

  3. I wish for a school room, I used to live in a house that had an extra bedroom, but my child was too young to stick off in the back bedroom to homeschool. Now she is old enough to stick off in a different room, alas we moved, and I have no extra room! Besides, most of curriculum is online (Time4Learning and Spelling City) so my school room has to share with the dining room. I so love all the organization. I look forward to seeing your organization come to life! Happy homeschooling!

  4. Melita, you crack me up! :) Hope your projects are speeding along, because I can't wait to see pictures. You already know I'm in love with sir expedit and sir trofast...
