Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Playing "Real" Gospel Meeting

Recently, we all had to pile out of the car right after hopping in to go to Gospel Meeting.  Both of our cars were dead or bald.  Boo hoo!

However, I had two brave children pave the way for preaching at our house.  It was a special experience, and one I want to record permanently!

Julia and Lucas set up an interesting microphone (perhaps in honor of workers making do with what they have? or making what they have work?), and Julia decided to be the first worker.

We sang #1 and then #181, both favorites of hers.
Then she started to pray, but got a little upset since she couldn't think about what she should pray.  So I encouraged her to tell God thank-you for something and she did quite well, ending with "...and thanks for all the rest of the stuff."
Then we sang #309, Aidan's choice.
Julia then began to preach the gospel, after clarifying that she was going to pretend to read since she didn't know the right chapter.  She spoke about Joseph and how she appreciated that he was sold into slavery by his brothers in verse one.  And she appreciated that he became in charge of things in Egypt.  And she told how his brothers didn't recognize him, but he recognized them and so he asked how his father was doing.  And she appreciated that.  Then she spoke from Daniel 24, and she said there was a feast in someone's house, she couldn't remember who.  And that Daniel talked to the cook and said that there was some special meat he had saved and it was for Saul.  And she appreciated that, too.

Next, it was time for Lucas to preach.

 He asked for a choice of a hymn, so I chose #390.
And then we sang #403, Lucas's personal fav.
And he began to preach the gospel, but had trouble reading from Genesis about Joseph being in Potipher's house.  After some temptation to give up this calling, he decided to use his new Bible which was easier to read.  (He's not quite comfortable with this new Bible in public yet, because it's not normal meaning a black cover.  Instead, it's got kids in a jeep on the front.) So he read to us about Joseph being responsible and how the Lord was with him and gave him success in everything he did.  And how Potipher could see that, and trusted Joseph with everything in his house and in his field.  And Lucas liked how it said that, and then chose our closing hymn, #100.

After Gospel Meeting was over, we all shook hands and Lucas commented how he could see that it would be hard for Workers to preach the gospel!  Probably a good lesson to learn early; being able to put ourselves in someone else's shoes with empathy.  =)

Meanwhile, Aidan did what he usually does in Gospel Meeting:

None of this was orchestrated by me, so I was impressed that Aidan climbed up onto my lap and stayed there for the duration.  Lucas and Julia both did a good job of listening to each other, and it was very pleasant for me!


  1. Wow, this is so great! And we had a very similar experience that week too. Stayed home and had our own fellowship meeting. During which Cora passed around the emblems (at Wed night mtg) several times and prayed and sang and gave her testimony. The testimony was about needing more money to buy stuff. She's on a monetary kick right now. :D

    I love what our kids pick up! It's so refreshing! I've been feeling lately like wisdom only comes with young age and the older I get, the more fickle and confused I am. There's something about innocence that makes a person see a lot more in black and white -- which makes things a lot less confusing. I'm glad for all my little life's experiences, but sometimes I really would love to have that clarity back.

    Love your kids! And I love that microphone!

  2. Melita, this is another awesome post that really makes me smile. Oh to have the spirit of a child :)

  3. That is great! I'm so glad you recorded it for all time. :)

  4. This is Marian:
    Reading through this post I was thinking how adorable the kids are, and how I remember playing meeting but never gospel meeting, you have such brave and outgoing children! My favorite part, however was when I came to the end and that picture of Aidan just cracked me up! I remember this pose, the crossed legs, the relaxing back on the couch. He is so cute! And I appreciate this post. :)

  5. Thanks, guys! =)
    There are so many things that I am afraid I will forget, and things that I have already forgotten that my kids have done... I love being able to blog about them and keeping these fun things saved to a better memory than mine. =)

  6. This reminds me so much of you and I playing meeting when we were little! I love that Julia & Lucas have the "I just want to be more like that" lingo down!! Thanks for sharing! Oh and I'm pretty sure their preaching was better than whatever we used to ad lib!!
