Friday, December 16, 2011

Julia Turns 6!

Waaayyyy back on Thanksgiving Day, our little girl had a birthday.  Actually, this year she got to have TWO birthdays!
Makin' da cake!
This year we spent Thanksgiving with Shane's side of the family and got to see some of his Aunts and Uncles, it was really nice.  And while there, Julia received much love and attention from everyone on her real birthday.  However, we did have our family birthday for her before we left. =)

Excited about her new presents...

One special thing about this year is that Julia was born on Thanksgiving Day in 2005.  This year is the first time her birthday landed on Thanksgiving since her birth.  Fun! =) A few birthday photos...

Her new hat from Papa, which accidentally matches her dolly's hat!

Her dearest love, Bitsy Doll.

Julia's Beehive Cake from the "pre-party"

Her cake from Gma June

Auntie Calysta and Uncle Mike were on hand when Julia arrived in our lives.  Mike helpfully watched Lucas for us, while Calysta was a support to me.  Julia was six days late, but came quickly once she decided to come.  Three hours in the hospital and we were the proud parents of a sweet baby girl.  We have fun being surprised at delivery with the baby's gender, so it was fun to see we had a girl!  The real reason for not finding out is that I have an affectionate attachment to being surprised.  Whee! =)

Brand new-born Julia!

Julia was so round and chubby, especially compared to her skinny brother, but she was always in the 50th percentile for height and weight through the first few years that I kept track.  And during her first few hours after being born, her nose was smooshed to the side of her face!  It popped out again, soon, however.

Julia is her own special breed in our family.  She looks like her Mommy's side of the family for the most part.  She seems to get her personality from a little of both sides. =)  She's the most reserved and shy and has a hard time expressing herself.  She's a snuggler and a caretaker.  She loves to decorate herself and her dollies and her room, loves tea parties and dressing up and playing house.  She loves beauty!

She's a smart little girl, jumping ahead of her school age and being in first grade this year.  She yearns to do things alone with "just you and me, Mom!" and loves the exclusivity of being the only daughter.

Happy Future, lovely daughter!  I love to be your Mommy, and to kiss your sweet cheeks when you are sleeping.  You make me happy!


  1. What fun! Have a fun year, Julia!!

  2. What a very sweet post. I hope you save these. Julia will really treasure this when she grows up :)

  3. Thanks! Julia and I read this post together and she was all amazed that I spoke to HER in it! But all my kiddos love to hear about when they were babies, and they love to know just how special they are to me. I plan to make books of posts through the years... A little like scrapping only easier for me. =)

  4. Good idea of the post books! It does sound easier.

    And such a lovely post! Such a lovely girl. :D I love that picture of her sitting in your chair. So much like you! Oh yes, I know there are those other differences, but I love catching the similarities between you two.

    And the cakes are adorable! I told Cora about the bee hive cake and now she's been wanting one for her birthday. Of course she wants monster cupcakes (Tyler's 1st birthday) and another train cake, so really, she just wants a repeat of history or anything anyone else has had. You've got cake talent! :D

    Anyway, give that little teenie tiny baby girl with the crooked nose a hug from me! :D
