Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Best

"Mom, your bread is better than a bakery!" said Lucas.

"Mom, your bread is better than a store OR a bakery!" said Julia.

"Mom, your foot is better than a fan!" said Aidan.


  1. HILARIOUS! I'm sure those are all quite the compliments! :)

  2. Lol, What!? Was that out of the blue or is there a reason your foot is better than a fan? What a kid! And how nice to have such thankful kids. I remember coveting "store" bread instead of Mom's homemade. And now, what I wouldn't give to have it made by her own hands again. :D

  3. I saw Aidan glance up at the fan over the table in the middle of his little speech, so I assume it was very random and off the wall. A bit of alliteration, though! =)

    My kids get plenty of store bread, so that's why they like it when I make homemade. Also, it's so good fresh and hot, and this french bread was crusty on the outside, and warm on the inside! =) We ate two loaves with our Jambalya at supper. =)

  4. yummmmmma!! you have a great bunch there! thanks for the laugh Mr. Aidan!!
