Monday, December 20, 2010

Quirks and Cuteness

My sweeties are making me laugh and smile these days. Some days they make me scream and cry, but it's not really their fault. They are just growing little people with a lot to learn and a lot to teach Mom!

Let's start with Lucas.

He's been giving me a lot of compliments lately. The other day he said I was an amazing mommy! I replied that I wasn't that amazing since anyone could do what I do. And he replied "You are amazing because of how much you love us!" Now doesn't that just melt your heart? He's been full of these little compliments, and I admit it: I don't mind! =)

Poor kid gave me a scare, though. He got his first new tooth without losing any. It came in behind his bottom teeth, like this:

But I quickly googled it and discovered it's very common and not to worry. And one of his teeny front teeth are loose, so things are progressing very well. In honor of this occasion, and because he's been dying to learn to sew with a needle and thread, he and I made a tooth pillow.

He stitched on the pocket, and I was impressed, since he's never put needle to fabric before. I sewed up the edges, he stuffed it and voila!!! He's the happy owner of a tooth pillow. Now for some creative ideas for the tooth fairy. Help!

And now for Julia. For starters:

I love this close-up. She might not like it when she's older, but she will if she's ever a mommy! I overheard a conversation between she and Lucas:
Julia: "Boys do not wear boobs!"
Lucas: "They don't wear breasts, Julia. That's politer."
(Both of them meant "bra" anyway)
Clearly we have an open and comfortable conversation level with our children...

The other day, I ran to get Shane. He just had to see how Julia had fallen asleep for her nap! She had tied herself up, then tied herself to the bedpost and just drifted off.

It was hilarious and worrisome all at the same time. I unhitched her from the bedpost and then had a chat with her after she woke up about safety. You never know what will enter their minds to try. It would be impossible to think of everything and forbid it!! Certainly I have never said "Now, go to sleep, Sweetie. And remember, don't tie yourself to your bedpost!"

Now Aidan. He is so cute!

He gets more cuddles than he wants from his Mommy. Last night we got home from a date after bedtime. We were watching a movie, when the door squeaks open slowly, then a little person runs away! So I went after Aidan, and he was crying because he couldn't find me. He was in his tiny, tighty-whiteys and he looked so cute! So I snuggled him up in front of the fire, and gave him a drink of water. He was so happy and then ASKED to be put back in his bed. I could have sat there and held him for MUCH longer!!
I got a picture of the back of his neck, although it's not quite what I had hoped.

I want to get pictures of all my kids beauty spots and knobby knees and cheeks and sideburns. I just don't want to forget!

And that's my little rave about my babies!


  1. LOVE it! I think you'll really like to look back on this one some day:)

  2. I am a HORRIBLE tooth fairy! So much so, in fact, that a good friend of ours finally took over the job! lol Eventually, I decided to gather a collection of the state quarters for each of the girls in honor of all the teeth they lost. They like that and have forgiven me my lack in the tooth fairy department.

  3. They're all so precious!! I love the bra conversation! ;) hee hee

  4. Thanks, guys! Kim, that's hilarious! Yes, I have fears about my lack of prowess in the tooth fairy department. Maybe I should just hire someone right at the onset of teeth losing. We have One Morning In Maine, by Robert McKloskey and they make a wish on a lost tooth. But that is going to be very hard, since you aren't supposed to tell your wish, and Lucas will probably wish for something other than an ice cream cone. Probably a rc car, or star wars legos or something. Maybe I'll have to get creative (ack!) and have the tooth fairy leave a coupon for a choice of two things; trip to DQ or outing to the park. Loose tooth still in head, though, so I have time. =)

  5. THIS post made me laugh harder than ANY of your others!! Thank goodness for a funny sister! Wow, yes, the bra conversation... and the tying up!! Best picture EVER! *happy sigh* -- love yer fambly!

  6. Melita, I made a lousy tooth fairy too. The kids were always disappointed in the morning because the tooth fairy hadn't paid them a visit, so she would have to sneak out while they were eating breakfast and deposit the quarter under their pillow. LOL. I never was good at pretending... still am not. LOL. Your kids are so lucky to have a funny, creative, energetic, talented, loving mother and and the same could be said for their dad... but then I might be a tad bit prejudiced :)

  7. i agree're going to look back at a post and rave like that and be thankful you took the time to rave and be thankful and notice the wonderful amazing little things about each of your kids! warms my heart that there are mommies like you out there!! yeah!! this is much better than reading the news any day!!

  8. I was just showing Mike the picture of Julia and noticed that the plastic ring on her bedpost is from the polka-dotty scarf I bought when I was there. It's been very useful!! :D
