As you may remember, I've been worried a bit about Lucas and his funky new tooth. But yesterday, as he was trying hard to focus on a short story so he could give me the main ideas, he pulled out his old tooth!
Hypothesis began; would the tooth fairy know when to come? How would the tooth fairy know his wish? What would the tooth fairy do with his tooth? Was the tooth fairy big enough to even lift his tooth?
I assured him that the tooth fairy had been taking children's teeth for many, many years and was a pro. I did ask him if he thought he'd get a big, hairy fairy, though. He hoped not. We looked in our big book of fairies, but alas, we only have flower fairies in that book, no tooth fairies. And so my son, big announcer that Santa is not real, believes in the tooth fairy. This came as a surprise to me, I was sure he'd be skeptical and wary. But I just went along with his questions. Later, I talked to hubby about it. Shane told me I should tell him the truth, so I stepped aside and told him he was welcome to enlighten Lucas. (Lucas was in bed, with tooth safely ensconced in his tooth pillow). Somehow, Papa just didn't have the heart. =)
When Lucas first lost the tooth, we put it in his pillow and then he wrote his wish down on a piece of paper and folded it in the pillow with his tooth. So that made it easier for Mom to grant. And so we are off to Diary Queen to fulfill this wish, since it's rather messy to put ice cream under someone's pillow!
After discussion with Shane, it was decided that the kids can get something at DQ for their first tooth, then we can give them a dollar for each tooth following. They can spend it on a cone at McD's or whatever. Shane was sure we'd go bankrupt if we did DQ for every tooth of every child.
This morning Julia announced that she will be wishing for a pony when she loses her first tooth.
And Shane thought DQ was worrisome!