Monday, October 4, 2010

Incompetence Revealed!

Hello there, Kelly, Calysta and June! =)

I have a picture for you... I heard a clarion call for evidence of my crimes. I suppose I must satisfy my public! For your viewing pleasure, a smeared, chocolaty "A".


Yep, we had fun! We sat around, mostly, roasting anything we could get our hands on. We mostly roasted these GIANT marshmallows. They did not fit on a S'more! Sticky and gooey and lots of fun. We camped this time with Linda, Laurel and Courtney. Courtney brought a hammock, a lovely thing to relax in while in the forest. We took a little hike, less than a mile and cooked food. All things considered (and I'll get to what those things are in a minute), we had a nice, relaxing time. The workers and Courtney assure me they enjoyed themselves too, and I suppose I'll just take their word for it. ;) They had fun laughing at us, for sure!

Laurel, Julia and Courtney

Aidan saw that Lady, the dog Courtney was dogsitting, would sniff everything, so he decided to sniff my arm just like Lady! It was kinda funny. =)

On to the mishaps and stressors...

On Thursday, before we went camping, I whisked my family off to the pizza place so I wouldn't have to worry about dinner. And Shane and I stopped by the ATM for our monthly allowance. I left my card in the machine. It even beeped at me, but I checked to make sure I had my cash and then drove off without my card. Didn't realize this until I had a cart full of groceries the next morning and couldn't find my card. 7-10 business days til I get a new one!
Then I went home and prepared four meals for camping, pre-cutting veggies, slicing meat, mixing marinades, preparing pancakes and biscuit mixes from scratch, etc. Well, we got to the campground and realized that I'd left a few things at home.
1. cast-iron skillet and griddle (that's a big mistake!)
2. the wet ingredients for the pancakes and biscuits
3. the maple syrup
4. the sliced bell peppers for the fajitas
5. the green chillies, sliced tomatoes and fresh lettuce for sandwiches
6. Pillows for everyone
Well, we had enough things that we could make it through, so we managed. But Shane and I decided to come home Saturday night since Shane thought maybe it would rain. He isn't fond of packing up a wet tent. So we packed up after supper and off we went. There was the most lovely lightning show, too. All around us, front, back and sides there was sheet lightning that just wouldn't quit! It was really cool. Then we hit hail. Or rather, hail hit us! It started piling up on the road and made it hard to drive. We found a tree and parked our windshield under it and once it tapered off, we stared driving again. THEN we hit more hail! This time it was pretty big, moth-ball sized were the biggest we saw. The kids were all scared and I was trying to figure out where Shane and I would go if the windshield broke. But we made it fine although we do have a few dents in the top of the car. The workers were about ten minutes ahead of us, and they saw golf-ball sized pieces and their windshield did get a crack in it.
So that's the camping trip and I'm glad to be home.
Last night there was a goodbye potluck for Laurel. She will be missed, but we know we have to share. We got a picture of her with the family! Shane and I are slightly squatting, hence the goofy expressions:
What is a "regular" week like? I'm not really sure. I do know that we don't seem to have those. But perhaps irregularity is our norm, and that does add spice and variety to life. Apple and pumpkin season is upon us, I LOVE this time of year! I think it is my favorite. Happy Fall!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the book pic. Yuck! LOL.

    I can't wait to see you all again.. which may be soon, by the way.
