Thursday, September 30, 2010

And I Wonder What My Kids Are Thinking...

Really this should be called "Confessions of an Idiot". For real. So often I roll my eyes, sigh deeply and ask in the most exasperated tones, "WHAT are they thinking?" So I guess today I had a little reminder about what they are thinking. Nothing at all. There IS no thinking when we do some things.
For example:
Is this something you do when thinking about it?

Do you see the great globs of mud in her hair? In her armpit? Everywhere? Know where this mud is going to go when she gets in the shower? Do we really need mud in the septic tank?

So my little story is this:
Our dear friends lent us some books by P.G.Wodehouse, a very find author and read by people of equal merits. Except for me, of course. So I gave myself my little treat of a handful of chocolate chips and began to immerse myself in British humor. Coming to the end of a chapter, I decided to see if I could write with the tip of the chocolate chip. So I wrote a lovely brown "A" at the bottom of the page. And then I thought, "I bet I can lick that right off!" and proceeded to mash brown chocolate smudges on the "A". And then it hit me: this book belongs to someone else!! Really, WHAT was I thinking? I'm not in the habit of writing in books, even books of my own. Certainly I'm not in the habit of writing with FOOD in books, or licking it back off. And just to reassure you, I have ordered a new but exactly the same copy of this book, so that our dear friends can enjoy an un-licked-by-Melita version of P.G.Wodehouse.

I have no words of excuse.

On another vein, we have some evidence of successful school mornings. =) This makes me feel a little less dumb and perhaps even you will feel less shocked and more forgiving. Instead of feeling like calling the authorities that yet another idiot is homeschooling their children.
And another activity that took place today: Desert Fishing.
Lucas really gets into his casting, complete with the weight getting caught in shrubs, very similar to fishing in water! =) Now if only he could catch something...

We will be camping this weekend, hopefully with not too many stories of my incompetence to relate. Instead, I hope to dazzle you with our camping prowess! In the meanwhile, have a great weekend!


  1. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I'm not sure when I'll stop laughing over picturing a brown A all smeared!! Now I, the intellectual (ha!), would have written "hello" and maybe even progressed to "how are you?" (These words are always my test words for trying out regular writing implements.)

    Love the pictures! I'm missing your fam and even NM!!

  2. Oh! Why can't we see a pic of your book art??

  3. I want to see a pic too! Julia does NOT look happy! Mud's good for the skin:)

  4. Melita, I laughed all the way through your story too. Poor Julia looks so sad. I'm sure she had some artistic adventure in mind... Our kids on a trip covered themselves with dirt... and looked like a bunch of Mexicans as we arrived at a state line and checkpoint down near Mexico... LOL... When Terry joked to the officer about smuggling Mexicans across... he was not amused, LOL. But we got a good laugh out of it.

  5. That "darling" Julia is looking sad because she just got a severe lecture about asking before she covers herself in mud. The hose was so cold that I relented and instead got a bucket of warm water and let her sponge herself off outside before coming in for a shower. And Shane wonders why nothing gets done!
