Sunday, June 9, 2013

The New Toothless

Our third child experienced a first: losing his first tooth.  Sometimes, when a first happens for the third time, it isn't as new or exciting, and I have to pep up the enthusiasm for it.

Not so losing teeth!

We have been enjoying the cute evenness of Aidan's baby teeth, as we are surrounded by huge honkers and big gaps on the other two.  But true to our weird family, his bottom two adult teeth showed up behind the babies.  And not too long after, the babies started to come loose.  We quickly prepped by sewing him a "tooth pillow" and it was none too soon.  It came out the next day.

Aidan's story is a little... odd.  The routine runs thiswise:  The tooth fairy grants your wish on the fist tooth, then gives a dollar for all teeth following.  In the past, I have suggested that the kiddo write a private note to the tooth fairy with their wish on it.  True to form, we forgot to take care of it and Aidan woke up the next morning without a visit from the tooth fairy.  Luckily, it was Saturday morning and he was more interested in his computer time and forgot about it too.  So Shane snuck in his room and retrieved the note.  And this is what he showed me:

What do you DO with THIS????  No biggie, Mom, just a simple request to make all my dreams come true.  HA!  Shane reaches for his wallet and says, how about a $5?  In the end, Shane used a trip to town to snag a nano bug (look it up) and we stuck that in Aidan's tooth pillow pocket.  Later, after the booty had been found, we hear this conversation between Aidan and Julia where she gives him an education.

Julia: What did you wish, Aidan?
Aidan: I wanted the tooth fairy to make the things I dream about at night to happen in real life!  I have really cool dreams and I want them to come true!
Julia:  Oh, that's too big of a wish for the tooth fairy! (She had wished for a horse on her first tooth.)  You have to wish a tooth-sized wish!

So, Aidan was happy with his nano, and he played with it for awhile.  Later in the day, they got their allowance.  It was kind of a lot, since I had skipped a few weeks.  With his wad of cash in hand, he ran into his room, and ran out again telling me: I gave the tooth fairy two dollars, Mom!  She is so nice that I wanted to tell her thank-you and I hope she will accept it! (italics, mine)

What in the WORLD am I to do with this kid?  With a kicker line like that, how can I not take that money out of the pocket?  So I did, but I think I'll just smuggle it back into his wallet.  I certainly don't want it!  =)  Any ideas?  Maybe a note from the tooth fairy?  

I should have just stuck to a simple quarter per tooth.  I could have made sure it was a state or national park quarter, since they are collecting those.  KISS!  (keep it simple, stupid)


  1. Oh this is so fabulous! Congrats to Aidan on achieving space for his first huge honker! And you already have such great ideas to match all the ideas your kids throw at you. Such a tender heart, making sure the Tooth Fairy has spending money. ;)

  2. Oh, my goodness, sniffle, sniffle........ How SWEET! Your kids are absolutely amazing and funny. :)

  3. HA! This story made my day. What a selfless boy--you are blessed, my friend!
