Friday, March 15, 2013

Aidan's 6th Birthday

Happy 6th Birthday, Aidan!

Aidan opened gifts in the am after his requested breakfast of scones, cheesy eggs and bacon.
There was his first Bible, hymn book and bible case....

Which led to this later in the afternoon.  I already feel good about the purchase!

Then we took cupcakes to Explora, but first stopped by to see our friends, the Rudolphs, as they passed through town.  So fun!

After a lunch at Sonic, we went and tried our hand at miniature golf.  It was a first for the kids, and they ended up liking it!  Not that we stuck to the rules exactly...

Then we came home and had cake, mint chip ice cream, and white grape punch with floating lime sherbet in it.  No supper.  Just cake.

Aidan successfully turned 6!  And now my baby doesn't have much "baby" left of him!  He still lets me snuggle and he will allow some lap time before he's off and running again. =)

Aidan loves a poem that my mother taught me, that I seem to recall she learned from her dad.

When I was one, I was just begun.
When I was two I was nearly new.
When I was three I was hardly me.
When I was four I was not much more.
When I was five I was just alive.
But now I'm six and as clever and clever.
So I think I'll stay six, for now and forever!

1 comment:

  1. What a FUN day! Love to see the pictures of it. And what a great little poem -- I don't remember it at all. :) Happy Birthday month to your baby man.
