Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Mom, are you the Tooth Fairy?

Yesterday, Lucas lost another tooth.

Last night he put it under his pillow.

This morning, he came into my room and said "no luck!"

I hastened to inform him that since I had not taken a photo of him with his tooth, I had asked the Tooth Fairy to wait one more day.


Tonight, as I kissed Lucas goodnight, he asked me if I was the Tooth Fairy.  I was non-committal, and asked him what he thought.  He discussed how the coupon for his DQ treat was all sparkly and amazing, but that the writing looked like mine.  !!  (I had no idea he could recognize my handwriting!) He didn't press for an answer, but then asked me if he could tell me what he wished for.  Sure!

He whispered, "Mom, I wish for a little extra time with you and Papa or a dollar if that doesn't work.  But first I wish for more time."

It's this kind of thing that just melts my heart!  No matter that we spend every waking hour together, no matter that we sat on the couch today for three subjects, one on one.  No matter that we collected eggs together, unloaded the dishwasher together and folded an origami Challenger and some other space craft as well.  He needs more time.  He values more time.  He would choose time with me and his Papa over money to buy stuff.

I'm off to get the paper and sparkly pen, but maybe Shane can write it this time. =)


  1. That's SUCH a fun story! Love the times when kids are soooo sweet that you just fall in love with them all over again, for the 19,384th time. :)

  2. Reminds me of the time at June's when you said you'd come in and kiss him goodnight and he cheered with delight. Someone loves you very, very much** So sweet. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Awww... how sweet. Now I'll have to go get a kleenex, LOL. Enjoy these times...they pass so quickly.

  4. Adorable! And great thinking on your feet with the whole picture opportunity. :D And you can tell him we can make time for a Lucas and Mommy date while you're here. T'would be fun!

  5. Oh my goodness that is so sweet, it made me cry! Kids crack me up most of the time but when they say things like this i just want to melt!

  6. Wow - you're a fast thinker! And if you didn't know his love language before, you absolutely know it now. :)

  7. awwww! sweet kiddo with wonderful parents!
