Friday, March 16, 2012

Aidan Turns 5!

Happy Birthday, Aidan!

My littlest baby has now become a handful.

This baby that is five has legs that hang way down when you rock him on your lap.  He thinks he's a big, tough kid and speaks in lawyer talk.  Including asking our brother worker, "Why do people get married?" To which Carl wisely replied, "Give it a few years and then you'll understand what all the fuss is about." These are not the antics of sweet little babies, these are the antics of children growing up!

This year, Aidan wanted a fox cake.  (No one knows why.) Google came to the rescue and a decent fox cake was found for me to copy!

This birthday was pretty relaxed, just some corn dogs, cake and root beer floats.  Christian came over to help us party it up a little.  And Aidan got an army set-up (sorry, Susan, no Marine gear):

Elbow and knee pads with a bike helmet:

And a very special rc car that is little and doesn't have a bottom.  This thing flips over and keeps on going.  And everyone is eager for a turn! So eager, that there are no pictures...

Aidan is happy and healthy and very ready to be five.  He's extremely focused on how cool he is, how brave and strong, how smart and interesting.  Perhaps this year he'll learn about serving others with humility. =)  At least he has plenty of confidence!  We think he's pretty wonderful ourselves, we just need to make sure that head doesn't get too big. ;)

He's a joy and delight!


  1. What a wonderful #5 Birthday! I can't believe how time is flying by! I love the independence of having a fox cake. No Spiderman or Transformers for him! ;) Happy Birthday to Aidan!

  2. Wow, Your youngest is 5!?!?! Where does the time go!?! I LOVE the fox cake! Too cute!

  3. Very good fox cake woman!
