Monday, April 11, 2011

Girly Curly Fun!

Curly Sue!

 We just bought Julia some new sponge curlers!  She was all excited to try them out, so we washed and conditioned her hair... rolled them all up on a knobby bunch and put her to bed.

 It was a cranky little girl who woke up the next morning and complained through her chores. See her little tear?
But soon we headed into the bathroom to see if her hair is more like Mama's (won't take a curl at all).

I'm pretty sure her hair must come from the Stafford side!

I should have cleaned my mirror, sorry about that.  It was cute to see her run and watch the curls bounce!

And then she wanted to do a skin cream promo, and I have to say, I'm ready to try it! =)

Taking this batch of pictures REALLY made me notice again how my little girl looks like a Sampson!  I see bits of Sydni in my little daughter.  And it is interesting to get floods of nostalgia from looking at my daughter who doesn't even KNOW the darling children I used to babysit.  Sigh.
Also, I've updated our family albums.  I usually update them at the beginning of each month.  And the May album is full of pictures, including White Sands.  


  1. Oh oh!!! She's SUCH a fabulous little darling!! Except she looks so so grown up in these to me!! You're so right about the Sampson -- I'd n ever noticed that before! Actually, that sweet grin looks a lot like Aleigh's to me too. What fun with the bounce and swing of first-time curls! I like that little shoulder up thing she has going on looking in the mirror. I MISS YOU GUYS!!

  2. Goodness! She looks just like Shirley Temple! How adorable. I remember those days. I desperately wanted ringlet curls and I too would sleep all night on the foam curlers. Talk about a krink in the neck! Well, she's one of the lucky ones, I guess, who can have their hair either way. Mine always turned out more like a fro than it already is:) But I just kept trying and trying, only to get the same result. I STILL own some curlers. I guess I never learn. Anyway, looks like fun. Can't wait to see you guys!

  3. oh! will have to show this to TEagan...perhaps that would help inspire her to let me do that to her! Sooo cutesy!
