Friday, March 25, 2011

A New Little Touch

I know that for most people, this doesn't qualify as actual decorating.
But let me reassure you: for me, it does!
I got a coupon to BB&B and noticed some round, woven placemats.  So I took a trip to town, taking the boys with me and we took a look. Turns out, the mats on sale were too loud, neon and bright.  But then my eye fell on these (more expensive) mats.  Lucas was in fits to have blue placemats and I was resistant.  Blue just isn't the earthy tone we are going for.  But this blue mat has tan woven in, and a little rust.  So it worked great with the three colors of mats!
Then our eye fell upon these kokopelli napkin rings.  COULDN'T be more perfect!  Even Shane, when shown my newest purchase, gave a grunt that had a more positive tone than usually accompanies me showing him my style selection.  So we set up the table, and used these HAND EMBROIDERED linen napkins made for a wedding gift by my dear first cousin, Lisa.
I'm happy!  And one nice thing about it, we have incentive to keep our table clear and clean and enjoy a better look.  Baby steps are better than no steps at all!  =)


  1. Sooo cute!! You have FABULOUS style!! Just FLEX it! I keep looking at pictures of my new house and am just ITCHING to make little tweaks like this to it. I won't be able to make big, expensive changes for a while, so bits like this will mean a lot to me. Congrats!! Those embroidered napkins are PERFECT for that. Don't you love it when good things come together? :D XOXO

  2. It looks great, Melita! And, I personally think its these little details that make the most impact. It always makes me feel good to have a clear table. Unfortunately, thats where the keys, wallets and jackets always end up in our house, but this gives me inspiration to give another go at it:) I have some of those loud, neon place mats you mentioned (purchased at the dollar store for their nice, cleanable-ness) and they have got-to-go!
