Tuesday, March 22, 2011

White Sands

It was a beee-uuuuutiful trip!
 We went to White Sands for a little family vacation not too long ago, along with another family.  We'd never been, but had heard wonderful things about the area.  These sand dunes are made of gypsum, I believe the only dunes if their kind in the world!  It's a little like playing in coarse ground sugar... minus the sticky... plus the bad taste... So not exactly the same.  We picked up some lunch and then headed out to the dunes.  We had fun sliding down dunes and waxing our sleds and riding down the steep side.  We went back to the hotel and cooled off, then went back to the dunes for a Sunset Walk.  It was niiiiiiice!

Aidan and Julia wanted to be buried in the sand, too!  It is so easy to get overheated, we happily buried them and shaded their faces! =)

I had to make them take breaks, just LOOK at those hot faces!  Only Papa and Mama burned, though.

Our leetle family in the desert!

We are fans of "my space" shots.  I think they are kinda fun!

The moon was up before the sun went down.  It doesn't even look close to the reality, but still pretty cool, eh?

Julia, with the moon in the background.

The dunes are in a basin surrounded by several mountain ranges.  The contrast is so awesome!

And this is the lovely family that put up with our little kids and late timing, all the while being very gracious!  They knew the area, and that is why we had such a great time!

We've got plans for when we go back next time!  First, we need a tent or easy-up for shade.  We will do better with the thickest sunblock we can find.  There is NO WAY to avoid vitamin D uptake at this elevation and sunniness!  Also very hard to avoid skin cancer....  So it pays to be particular.  And I think we'll spend more time there at sunset.  It starts to cool off a little and it's so gorgeous!!  

Maybe you'll need to come and see for yourself... ;)


  1. I want to goooooooooo!!! So so pretty!! And I love that Shane and Melita picture -- you guys are adorable. Angst?! What angst!? So glad you had fun. I like this cactus on your background too -- looks like it's giving a peace sign. :D

  2. Oh! I love these photos! The new banner is great, too and yay for the cactus and the peace sign;) Wish we could go there. Sniff sniff.

  3. Glad you got some good pics! And glad you enjoyed the trip. We did too!

  4. I wanna go!!! Very cool pictures. I love this background. How did you do that with the sun? You are really good with that camera, Melita.

  5. Yup, it was great, guys! Sorry to keep you away from our state, Kelly, when you were planning to come here for a visit! Hopefully there will be perks to the other location as well. ;)
    Thanks for the positive feedback, June! Although from what I've seen online, I'm a pretty lousy photographer! But the "into-the-sun" shots are pretty fun and easy. Just take it into the sun! Nice at sunset, when there's lots of little dune hills all around and the sun is low. The tricky parts was getting everyone to do something cool. As you can see, that didn't work. Aidan threw a fit, but Lucas and Julia did their best! =) I wanted a picture of our whole family in a line walking across a dune... maybe skipping or running or holding hands. Oh well! Maybe next time!

  6. yes! would love to go there sometime!! LOVE the family picture..what an awesome background and beautiful family! love the background on your blog , too. Don't you love time away "from it all"? ha! Looks like you had a blast and a half.
