Monday, January 10, 2011


My first post of the New Year... meant to get this one out last week. I love new weeks, new months, new years. I loved the beginnings of a new semester in school and I love the fresh new start of a new notebook.

I was thinking about what I'd like to do better in 2011, and it occurred to me that I should first take stock of last year. Well, that's kind of fun, really! I actually see a few things accomplished, and like seeing the scale go down, seeing things accomplished makes me eager to accomplish more. (Could I use that word a few more times in one sentence?)

A few things I'm glad to have accomplished this past year:
I lost 19 pounds. =)
I painted four rooms, one being a living room.
I built (with help) a chicken coop and moved in five biddies.
I began homeschooling seriously.
I enrolled one kid in a Montessori school, a long time goal.
I took a trip north to visit my family.
I maintained a healthy marriage.
I did other little things along the way like sewing projects, regular visits to a science museum, volunteering, better budgeting and eating habits.

Now, all these things I say "I" did, but two things of note: I didn't do any of them alone and I didn't do most of them perfectly, but at least I did them or they are a good way into meeting the ultimate goal.
This is a picture of our first week of working out! Shane decided it was time to have a chart to keep us accountable, as we've started this several times already. We are taking it really easy, but I have no choice: I'm a wimp. But at least we're doing something!

This year in 2011 I have a few more goals. And I feel better about making them now that I see that in spite of being ME, I managed to make a little headway last year. So here they are:
NUMBER ONE: continue to maintain that marriage!
2. Finish losing the weight and work on fitness
3. Improve homeschooling so I'm happy with ALL (or more) aspects and subjects.
4. Do better with thank-you's, letters, and gifts. (Plan ahead!)
5. Explore further opportunities to do community service.
6. Finish painting the house!
7. Learn to eliminate junk piles in my life. Be tidy! This is a biggie!
And the last thing I want to do is keep on trying to love and enjoy the "NOW". We have a few family trips tentatively planned that the hubby has picked out and some landscaping projects that should help us enjoy our house and property as a family.

Shane and I went to go watch a movie after the kids were in bed and instead we sat on our "kissing couch" (our first kiss!) and we chatted for a couple hours. We chatted about his goals with work, we chatted about the right balance for teaching kids, what we can teach them and what they need to learn in their own time. We chatted about money and what role we want it to play in our lives. We chatted about excess and living out our convictions when we are used to a LOT of excess in our own habits. This is what I consider to be the ultimate in my human experience. That my husband is my best friend and that we want to talk to each other, be on the same page and help each other change for the better. And we both want help in changing ourselves to be better.

Underscoring all of this is feeling a need of spiritual growth. We just started the year with Special Meetings and that felt like a new page and a new beginning, too. I have a lot of encouragement, help and love from people in my life, but ultimately I want to have the root of the matter within my own heart. Sometimes I want other people to confirm things I think and feel, and instead I need to make sure God is my first and final source for everything I do or don't do. I want to give my children spiritual things that are sure and certain. And the only source for things like that is God himself.

And furthermore, all other accomplishments are meaningless to me without a living relationship with God!

So here's to a new year! *clink* Who knows what awaits us? Maybe joy, maybe sorrow but through it all there is much to be gained and much to learn.
A wonderful new year to you all and to all a good night!


  1. Melita, I loved your post. What a neat way to start off the New Year... by looking back at what we HAVE accomplished. Hmmmm... food for thought. I have made some resolutions (see Kelly's blog) but after I posted those, I read that when we make goals we should make them specific so that we will know when we have accomplished them... and we should live as if we have accompished them. What the mind can believe, the mind can achieve. Thanks for some great ideas. Glad to hear about your talk with hubby too. You two together are awesome. I am reading "the 7 Habits of Highly Successful people" and one thing it talks about is that when we learn how to work together with others we can be more than we ever could be on our own. I think that is such a neat thought and it motivates me to try harder with relationships, not just wanting to have it my own way.

    Congratulations on your accomplishments and good luck in the coming year with achieving your goals. Yes, and may we all keep our priority right and be thankful for life that God has given, both natural and eternal, and use it in a way that brings Him happiness and joy to ourselves also.

  2. oooo 19 did you do it? i want to read more of this one but i gotta put the kids in bed and check on the puppy..i'll be back! Happy New Year!!

  3. Melita, I thought of another accomplishment of yours... This year you started and have kept up with this blog, and also you have done a fine job of keeping up with the pictures on your Picasa site. Wonder woman, you! LOL.

  4. I love it! I especially like that you maintained your marriage... seems like something we take for granted, but it IS an accomplishment! Keep up the good work!

  5. I HAD commented, but that was days ago and it was apparently rejected. You put me to SHAME with all you've accomplished this year!

    Then I think back... I had a baby this year! And kept feeding him and keeping him clean since then. And if we want to talk about weight... (hee hee), since Tyler I've lost FORTY POUNDS!!!

    And I love you guys too. Such a great couple who have managed to keep things lively and new! :D So much I'm still learning.
