Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Family Pictures

Our friend, Stephanie, took our family pictures this year.  
Her budding business can be found here.
We managed to get a foggy day with lots of ice and snow... and behold the result!


  1. You guys look great! LOVE these. You did a great job with the clothing- not too matchy matchy, yet all compliments each other really, really well. The snowy background is wonderful. We getting one of these for our annual update?????? nudge nudge.

  2. I love the first one of the kids... all their expressions. But I always love Julia in the middle too. Maybe it's that part of me that's envious that she has two awesome brothers. :) And speaking of Julia, the one of her and Shane is perfectly perfect. And in the one of you kissing her -- her SMILE! It makes my heart get all funny inside because it's so HER, even her baby/toddler self.

    And your boys are such little men. So handsome. So different. :) I love Aidan's hands on Shane and Lucas's backs.

    These are amazing -- I completely love them and can't wait for a copy! The lighting is so great and I love the patchy snow background.

  3. Very too, to all the compliments already offered :)

  4. really beautiful family pictures!! your friend did a great job as well!

  5. Great pics. I love them all but really like the one w/ the kids where all smiling but Julia not looking @ camera. Any chance of getting one?

  6. what a great family !!! We miss you SO much !
