Sunday, December 1, 2013

A Little Halloween Fun

This year, our Fall Celebration/Halloween went really well!

Julia and Aidan knew that they wanted to be Native Americans (inspired by the American Girl doll, Kaya, which is Julia's fav.).    Lucas wasn't sure.  But Papa came to the rescue in good time.  And I quickly got some fabric and a pattern and went to work.

The Indian costumes were pretty cool, because after I was done, the kids did some beadwork on their garments.  It allowed them to feel a bit invested, as well as give them some hand/eye coordination practice.  Inevitably, their desires are far, FAR beyond my abilities, but in this case, I could just say "Sure! Go ahead and bead a herd of horses onto the front of your shirt, Aidan!"  And after encouraging him to bead the first one in the center, I left him to realize that he just wanted one horse after all.

Lucas had the funny factor going on with his costume, and we all enjoyed both the pictures and the videos.  It was fun to walk around our country road (no street lights, and porch lights only sometimes) and see how effective his costume was.

We only got two or three batches of kids the whole night, so we had our hoard of candy to enjoy the following week.  Turned out great!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Cool! Great costume Lucas! Love the Native American Costumes too and also that the kids did the beading. Certainly puts a different perspective on things when they have to do the work:) I got a chuckle out of that as I've encountered some pretty astronomical expectations myself. xoxo.
