Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Update on "The Crazy"

Thought I'd give the conclusion of the matter at convention!

So we all survived.  We've been home a couple weeks and things are back in the "groove" once again.

I loved Tamara's comment back on Embrace the Crazy...."no tips, but total understanding."  Such a great line and it made me feel better!  Thanks! =)  Tamara has 7 children of her own so far, so if anyone  could "pooh pooh" my little problems, she could.  Instead she dishes out understanding.  Ahhhhh! (filing away for future use)

Lucas slept away from me this year with his Grandpa and a father-son pair of good friends.  He did one trial night, and was hooked!  I found out later about late nights and Angry Birds... but I know those are memories he'll have forever with his Gpa.  ;)

Aidan is getting really good at sleeping in, so most mornings I brought him breakfast.  Julia is the one who pushes all sleep limits and she wiped out big time on Saturday.  Tears, tears, tears.  Everything was impossible, so I made a rule:  If she napped in meeting she could play in between with her friends. She didn't nap, so off we went Saturday afternoon.  She had a nice long nap and was a different person when she woke up.  The great thing was how clearly the sleep had made her feel better.  She noticed it, we talked about it and it helped her understand that her body needs it.  It's not just about Mom having some rule.  Her body tells her "I've had enough!" and she's learning to listen.

I managed alright, myself.  The entire convention was a journey for me, a lot of things to work out and struggle with.  I came away with some worries as well as help.  After the convention, I spent a little time processing, and when Sunday of #2 came around, I was thrilled with all the comfort and confirmation I got in both meetings.  I sometimes try to take on things that aren't MINE.  And I sometimes worry about things that are not in my sphere of control, and I frustrate around about it.  When a person does this, exhaustingly, it can be so wonderful when God reminds us that HE saw it all long before, has a plan, is executing it, sees the big picture and has all the power, period.  It's like realizing that you had your teeth clenched and enjoying how it feels to unclench them, only on a much larger scale. ;)  And in the end, I have A LOT of work to do.  And it's time to get on with it!

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