Monday, February 21, 2011

My Baby Got a Boo Boo

This weekend had a couple interesting developments. The less shocking and amazing one is that Shane got another car. Yeah, I know, it's like "I already assumed that, Melita, why tell us?" And normally I'd probably never think to mention such a commonplace occurrence except that this time it was the catalyst for rock hunting. I think his car is an MR-2, by the way. I am sure, however, that it is black.

We drove up north on Saturday and it was a gorgeous drive. We are in love with our new home and our enjoyment of the scenery is... obscene. =) We stopped by the river, our only source of natural water play, and the kids had a blast.

They found a few sticks.
They found a few rocks.

They got their feet wet.

They threw leaves in the gusty wind.

Mom loved the french braid enough to lay down on a boat ramp.

Julia got kisses from her Papa.

Aidan was my guide and protector for a small hike. He wanted me to get a picture of his great protecting skills.

And the kids brought home a few souvenirs from our trip.
As we unloaded the car, Aidan carried his big, lovely rock up the front walk. But then he dropped it on his big toe nail. Popped the darn thing clean off his foot! Oh, except for the tiny strip of skin hanging on one side. I, who don't rush to children's aid very quickly, rushed to his side in a fraction of a second. I knew exactly what had happened and hollered for Shane, who heard my special tone of voice and knew it was serious. We took our baby inside and I sterilized some scissors and cut off the skin, the entire toe nail now sitting beside my sink.
It was completely intact and off of his sweet toe! Aidan was pretty much crazy/nuts with pain, and he kept asking/crying "Why are you and Papa doing this to me???" Over and over. Sniff.

It did cross my mind to take a picture of this, and I shoved it out like filthy intruder it was. But as you can see, I did take pictures after the fact. =)
Shane did a Walgreens run and got him a finger splint that we modified for his big toe. We used gauze to wrap his toe and then slid the splint over it and taped it in place. Aidan did a lot of screaming for that stunt. But he slept good all night, and the next morning was 100% better for the pain.


The nail-less toe had bled and dried on the gauze. Yeah. So, yeah. Felt kinda dumb, and cruel for causing our poor baby more stress. I soaked it off with bactiene-type spray, but it still hurt him like crazy. I got some proper non-adhesive bandages that work like a charm, and now I can change his bandage without any stress to him. Whew!

During the first few hours of injury, Lucas and Julia spent a little time cheering Aidan up. They drew a picture of a yellow baby in pink undies(which to me looked like a thong, but whatever), and as soon as Aidan saw it, he laughed. Then he told me how it really cheered him up to look at the picture and said "See?" while giving a posed, tight-lipped smile. It was cute! =)

So that is a long rundown of our weekend adventures. Aidan is doing much better, thank goodness!


  1. Wow, an MR-2. That's what Gene used to have, right? Cool. Awww... poor Aidan. I know that hurt! How sweet of Julia and Lucas to try to cheer him up. Such cuties! The yellow baby with the thong is cute. :) That's a keeper Mom. LOL. What a sweet picture of Papa kissing Julia. That's a keeper too :) Love you all.

  2. Amazing aim, Aiden. Who new there was a perfect release "button" on the big toe nail? Hope you're feeling better soon, bud!

  3. Ditto to June on the picture and the kissing.
    I love this extra window into your life!!

  4. Ewww. Man that pic is gross! I almost lost it! Poor guy. Lucky he doesn't have a squeamish mom like myself. Glad you had such a nice day outside and hope Aidan feels better soon.

  5. Yikes! The thought of that pain makes me cringe! Morgan once dropped her pet rock (aptly named Rocko) on her toe but the nail didn't come off until months later. I remember that she kept sobbing to me while I tried to bandage her toe, "But it's not Rocko's fault! I'm not mad at him" Ha. Hope his poor little toe heals quickly!!
