Monday, February 21, 2011

Ahhh... Butcher Block!

We are now the proud and happy owners of a butcher block covered island! Now we get to experience what it will be like to maintain it. =)

Shane did all the work, of course. Ripped out the gross tile that was falling apart. He had to constantly watch Lucas who was determined to get some flying tile in his eyes.
Anyway, he got it unscrewed from the top and we hauled it out to the "junkyard" in front of our house. So attractive!

Our island had an overhang towards the living room, somewhat like a bar, only pretty low. We don't use it, and it's a waste of space for us. So instead, we bought two long cabinets and installed them under the overhang. They will be for garbage and recycling. Each has a pull-out drawer and should be a pretty slick set-up. We really like the idea of having both hidden behind a cabinet door!

So it's in and I've already used it to prepare more of the PW's quesadilla's! It seems a little dried out, so I'm heading over to get some food safe mineral oil and give it a good rub down. If we don't like how it looks after I've used it as a cutting board, we'll lightly sand and then seal it. But everything I read says it should work great, so I'm going to give it a try.

One more thing: in the space you see above between the two cabinets, we are going to line it with walnut and put in some shelves for decoration. =) The butcher block is walnut, too. When that happens, I'll post more pictures. Til then, just know I'm enjoying my new countertop!


  1. Yayyyyy! So that's why you haven't been answering your phone! It's BEEEE-UUU-TIFUL! Can't wait to see the finished cupboards.

  2. Very pretty. Tell Shane I'm impressed and proud of him :)

  3. So cool! Wasn't in our budget but we would have done that too. It just seems to make sense, right? Why shouldn't you be able to cut directly on your counter? Anyway, lookin' good. Go to town! but watch your fingers:) I'm going to have to check out these quesadillas....
