Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thin Hair

My husband was trying to describe to me the reasons he loves my hair.  He's apparently a big fan, and likes the way it looks.

"It's thin and flat.  That's what I like about it.  Oh, you don't like the word flat?  It's fine.  It's thin and fine.  It lays straight against your head."

Snape comes to mind.  At least he didn't say it was greasy.

I just try to remind myself that I probably give him "compliments" like this all the time.  And a lucky lady like me knows when compliments come from the heart.  Even if you've always wanted thick, wavy/curly hair that stands off the head.


  1. Lol, Snape! And you have a great husband. Like Mike, he needs to become an English Major (think Prairie Home Companion ads) so that he can use special and amazing words to describe your awesomeness.

  2. Curly/wavy and standing off the head? It ain't all it's cracked up to be! lol

  3. Ah well, we are never satisfied with what we have, right? Shane's hair is wavy, and he wishes it was straight.
    I do get the occasional "phosphorescent" reference, and he's discovered that "creamy" is a great way to describe a girls skin, especially if that girl desires creamy skin.

  4. Shane gets that from his dad, LOL. Your hair is beautiful, Melita, and so are you. Beautiful and funny. I am a very lucky mother-in-law. :)
