Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Mother of Invention

You know, necessity.  But in my experience, my personal experience, laziness is the mother of invention.

Which is why I find every possible reason to crochet without a pattern.  Every time I use a pattern (twice) I have to learn something new.  Oh horrors!  So to save me this tedious process of learning, growing and improving, I look for shortcuts.  Which brings me to a couple of hats I made while we spent two weeks traveling to the old hometown of Champaign in Il and to visit relatives and friends in Ohio and Oklahoma.

Pixie hat for Julia:

Kinda hard to crochet with this funky yarn.  But it's cute!

And so is the model!

Circle hat for Aidan:
Classic example of learning something new.  In the past, I have sewn hats from the crown to the rim, expanding as I go.  However, one pattern showed me how to start from the edges and take up stitches as I go.  I like it!

A couple mistakes...  too much slack at the opening, as seen here.  And it is just a wee bit tight halfway through.  I should have taken it in more slowly as I worked my way to the center.  Oh well!  Wool stretches!  =)


  1. I love the hats. Gorgeous kids, too.

  2. Very nice! I like the fuzzy stuff on Julia's, but like you said, I can imagine that it would be hard to crochet with! I'm in the process of making a scarf right now and the yarn I chose isn't very easy to use either. I like the style and colors of Aidan's also. You do really well without having to use a pattern!

  3. I'm getting closer to using one, though. Every time I finish, I realize that things would have a better shape and I'd learn some useful techniques if I'd just take the time. And every time I start a pattern, I have to dig out my crocheting books so I can not only read the definitions, but see a picture of the example. =) Maybe someday I'll get there! =)
