Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Embrace The Crazy

Sometimes, I think Mom's have to learn to embrace the crazy.  At least, I feel like that.  Sometimes the only road to sanity is to relax and decided that life WILL BE CRAZY and that it's okay.

I'm not type A, I'm not a neat freak and I don't plan my days intensely.  But as a Mom who pays the consequences for children getting the wrong foods or lack of sleep, I can be protective of the line between "the schedule" and "the crazy".

The reason for all this crazy talk is that convention looms/glimmers on the horizon and with the excitement comes the dread.  Although life is a tuneful melody compared to the chaotic din of the past, the convention schedule is still tricky.  Bedtime/nighttime is normally 7pm - 7am.  At convention, it's a maximum of 8:30pm to 6:30am.  With the distinct possibility of an even shorter night, as the past has shown.  The temps are HOT.  And so dry that heat stroke can be possible in the shade as you lose water so quickly.  But playtime is so necessary, so that kids will sit/sleep through the meetings.  Both of these things contribute heavily to crabbiness and tears as the days wear on.

The kids love convention, though, they have no thoughts about depriving themselves of all this fun just because they might be grouchy!  I love convention, too.  And that is why after thinking through all the options that I will embrace the crazy.  I know I'll be dealing with tears, so I'll just be calm and provide naps, love and soothing options.  We'll bring gallons of gatorade and play chinese jump rope in the shade.  I think it will pay off for me to prepare myself for the inevitable struggles so that I can better enjoy the spiritual offerings of convention.

Any tips from the veterans?

Convention: an annual, four-day getaway in one location(meals and beds on site) for the purpose of hearing the gospel from many ministers, including from other states and countries. Not so much outreach as it is a boost for the flock.


  1. Hmm... my kids were littler than yours when I did this, but here goes. One time I had them both without Daddy (an extra convention while he was hunting). Instead of trying to get them to sleep through afternoon meeting on the benches or floors (which was only rarely successful in our experience), I chose to skip the middle meeting in favor of them getting naps in the quiet of their own tent beds during that time. I would nap too, (which greatly helped my coping skills), but then I would take my notes. Writing down everything I could remember from the speakers. Because doing so during the meetings with two active littles was nigh unto impossible!

    I was a-mazed at the bread I took home from that convention. I don't know if I focused more because I knew I'd be getting less, or the recall during the quiet, or what. I just know it worked for me that year. I didn't feel deprived, and we all had much better moods.

    "Embrace the Crazy" I like that - need to adopt it myself! :)

  2. Yep, embrace the crazy. It helps going into it to realize that the normal routine just isn't going to happen. Most of the time, our kids don't completely fall apart until after we get home, which helps. The hardest part of convention for me is getting them to go to sleep at night. I figure it is only 4 days out of 365 and that helps keep it in perspective for me. I love that the kids love it there and there is a certain calmness that the atmosphere of convention always gives me in spite of the craziness. No tips, but total understanding. :)

  3. How well I remember, early mornings, late nights, 5 kids who wouldn't eat convention food but only wanted peanut butter and jelly. When they were really little... it was definitely crazy trying to get them all to eat, get something to eat myself with a baby on my lap (we didn't have the luxury of those cute little baby chairs they have nowadays) and all of this without my husband. But it was worth it for the spiritual bread, comfort, and fellowship. Looking forward to seeing you soon!

  4. getting on here maybe after the fact? how did things go embracing all that crazy? it's all good..it kind of helps that summertime has a lack of usual schedule at home anyway so by the time convention time comes around they're used to different times. plus, my kids are older than yours! when they were really little ( tiny babies..one time 4 days old!!) we stayed in a motel a couple of times and we used to live only about an hour away in WI when the kids were younger and so we drove back and forth a couple of years so they could at least stay in their own beds. now they seem to settle in just fine and occassionally nod off during a meeting now and then. take care!

  5. I found your blog via a friend. I had to comment on this post. Our conventions are still a few months away, but I am already thinking and planning quiet toys, naps, snacks and most of all....lack of sleep on the kiddoes part. I loved this post...just embrace this crazy. I need to do the same. I am trying to just remember those days at conv are filled with so much and make so many memories.
