Sunday, April 22, 2012

I'm Back!

I'm home again and now it's time to get in the swing of real life!  Actually, I've been home for a week and I'm still not in the swing of things.  I think I am ready for summer vacation.!

I had a great trip, took the kids up to northern Idaho for some family time.  Spent time with a sweet niece and nephew, spent time with my folks and my two siblings still at home then went to the wedding of a first cousin and got to see SO MUCH WONDERFUL family!  My grandma, some aunties and uncles, more cousins, some with spouses and children, yay!  And I left my camera at my parents and got pictures of nothing.  Zip.  (Not quite as bad as video taping my nephew's birth by hitting the record button when it was already recording, thereby stopping the camera at the crucial moment....)  My parents are moving in with my mother's grandparents, so my sister and I went up to my parents and "helped" them pack, bringing along our five children.  A busy time, a good time and as always, over too soon.

While I was up there, I got to pirate my sister's facebook and see family and stuff.  My principles are far, far too high to allow facebook for myself, but not too high to piggy back off of hers.  =D  Anyway, the point is that my very cool uncle (a few mere years older than myself) posted a link to this youtube video and I love it!  It's inspiring and fun, makes me want to have a family band.  So we'll be getting a piano one of these days, maybe a drum set, too.  Might as well embrace the noise with kids, eh?  

The SNL skit says it all about v-necks, though.   


  1. Okay, I just erased some "tsking" and some admonishment about how you should have posted the Vneck link, and I got all ready to put it up in my comment... and then I watched it again. Bahahaha! Too funny! But maybe something people should have to search for. :D

    So sorry about your lack of pictures! I'm wishing we'd taking a few once we got back to the house! I had mine and then we just set it down and got so into visiting that not a SINGLE shot of anyone was taken. So sad. Better next time? ;)

  2. Sam and I just watched. Very cool. I guess all you need is a recording studio in your house:) I'm not sure I'm finding the right SNL video.... Thanks for sharing:)

  3. Enjoyed the video. Thanks for sharing. Just think how much fun that man had with his children. They will never forget that when they grow older. Glad you enjoyed your trip. We missed you. Sorry about the pictures, but you got to enjoy your family through your own eyes, rather than the eye of your camera.

  4. You were at the wedding?! Buh... so bummed we missed it and missed seeing you!


  5. Yeah... didn't want to actually post a link to the v-neck skit. =) This is a Family blog! ;) But it can be found on Hulu if you go to the show page for SNL and look up their digital shorts and it's with Ben Stiller. Don't watch it with kids around. =)

    I'm glad to be back, too! Looking forward to some fun with sister-in-law and sister in the next three-ish weeks. Yay! I'll try to keep that camera handy!
