Saturday, August 6, 2011

Just a few funny things my kids have said lately...

Aidan was sitting in time out on the love seat.  After about twenty seconds he asked me:
"Are you ever going to let me get up at some point?"

Aidan, upon being kissed and cuddled up in his bed at bedtime when he didn't want to go:
"Waahhhh!  I'm so sad!  I'm the saddest kid.  I'm sadder than you will ever know!"

Julia, my early riser, climbed into bed with me for a few minutes in the early morning hours.  After awhile, Aidan joined us.  They talked for a few minutes, and then this conversation ensued:
Julia: "Mom, I wish that I had that like Aidan...  Well, I guess I shouldn't say that."
Mom: "What do you mean?"
Julia: "We aren't supposed to cub."
Mom: ??  "What are you cubbing?"
Julia:  "Well, we aren't supposed to, so I guess I shouldn't talk about it, right?"
Mom(wanting to reinforce such good reasoning but very confused): "What does cub mean?"
Julia:  "The Bible says we shouldn't cub other people's things, like their toys and stuff.  And we shouldn't want to be like them, but just be happy with what we have."
Mom: "That's right!  And that word is "covet" and that was a very good girl...etc, etc..."

Lucas says lots of interesting things, too.  Lately, we've been working on the idea that just because something sounds right doesn't mean it's true.  He's very good at giving us all information, but sometimes his information isn't quite correct.  So we practice the idea of checking our information, both ideas that we want to pass on and ideas we get from others.  Kinda takes the fun out of correcting others!  (Which is kind of the point, in a way.)


  1. Those kids are so cute! And the jelly beans really look yummy... especially that black one! LOL.

  2. Awww, they're so cute!! I cub your kids! :D Just kidding, but wanted to say "cub". :D I'll let you keep them; mine are plenty for me to deal with. Your kiddos are SO cute in that picture!!! Did you take it? Seriously, frame it! It makes me think of the Potter trio... except the boys are different sizes right now. They also look like they're standing in front of a giant spider. So fitting. :D Things that make the picture awesome: Aidan's hand in pocket. Julia's jeans. Julia and Aidan holding hands. Julia's curls. The irregular spacing of all three. Fabulous!!

  3. LOL! Kyle informed me in a very matter-of-fact tone that platypuses sweat milk. Yes....MILK! Turns out that he has been watching too much Phineas and Ferb on Netflix!

  4. Aidan and Julia called them Vineas and Verb. =) I haven't the heart to correct them, but Lucas (as always) does his best. They've switched now to calling them Phineas and Verb.
