Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day Thoughts

I am very, very glad to be a mommy to these children with bubble beards!

I woke up on Mother's Day, and began to think about how lucky I am to be exactly where I am in life.  I thought about the Virtuous Woman who's reward was the work of her own hands.  I thought about how Mother's Day feels like a day I should thank my children and my husband for making Mommyhood so worthwhile and rewarding.  So I did.

In everything my kids did that day, I felt glad that my job is mothering them.  And they needed mothering on Sunday,  just like they do every other day of the year.  And I also felt grateful to my husband for making sure my day was lovely, even though I am not his mother.  You know, being a mommy is a thousand times better when I have him on the job with me as a parent.

Before Mother's Day, I had been trying to decide what to get Shane for Father's Day and as I stressed about how to make it unique, special, etc, it occurred to me that he might be doing the same.  So we talked it over and decided that what we need are TRADITIONS, not more presents.  We'd like to pack a picnic and take a hike on Mother's and Father's day.  Just choose another day to celebrate being together, and take the heat off.  The kids can make little cards or projects and that's enough!  No big gifts, no fancy restaurant, just the things that kids do that are just the right size for them.

Maybe my husband and I have similar love languages, and quality time is it.  =)  Whatever it is, it works for us and...



  1. Very nice, Melita. Yes, life is good. Your post reminds me of how thankful I am that Terry has always been a hard working man, so that I could stay home doing one of my favorite things, being a mommy :) I did love the time I was able to spend with our kids and all the effort was well worth it. You are doing such an excellent job.

  2. you are a virtuous woman! Love your thoughts! And your kids are sooo adorable and loveable which makes your job ( just slightly) more fun, anyway?! Love your idea of more traditions. That's what Jeff and I did on our anniversary..nothing fancy..take out at the Bread company, a quick picnic and a lonnnnnng hike!! Lovely!! I would love to make that a weekly tradition , but, the man does have to work during the day sometime! Thanks for your positive example!!
