Sunday, November 13, 2011

~My Girly Girl~

I'm not much of a make-up person.

In fact, I'm not much of a dress-up type, either.

Let's just say it's a good day when I actually wash my face once.

I don't like to shop.

The thought even makes me tired.

I don't accessorize or bling or go glam or any of the rest of it.

But I have inherited a very girly girl!  She loves the glam, the over-stated, the ultimate frills, lace and twirls.  And show her some make-up?  She's in love.

Like the uni-brow eyeshadow?

How about those dark purple cheeks?  She's not convinced by my plea's that cheeks are supposed to be pink, not dark purple.  

She came out of the bathroom looking like this and said:
"I think I put on a little bit too much lipstuff."

An eye for the finer details, that one.


  1. oh my. I'm speechless:) She looks so...... purple. Thanks for the good laugh:)

  2. Ha! That made me laugh. Sara is so much like this too. She uses whatever is on hand; sparkly lip-gloss goes on everywhere, pens for nail polish etc! I am like you and am not quite sure where she get it!

  3. Glad to share the laughs! I tease Shane that she gets this girly streak from him. =)

  4. I LOVE the unibrow! Why didn't I let her loose on Halloween? It would have been awesome for your neighbors to see her like that! :D You're such a good mom!
