Thursday, September 5, 2013


Chillin' to King of the Bongo... thought I'd catch things up.

We've been gone a lot this summer... up to Washington to visit my side of the family... over to CA to visit the old hometown of Bakerspatch.  Managed to see a few more loved ones along the way.  I guess the more you visit, the more people you get to see. =)  Total of two two-week trips with kids, a week of convention, and 6 days by myself to visit my latest sweet niece, Susan's second child and first girlie.

School got finished(in spite of vacation)... and got started just this week.  Best year yet!  I love the feeling of getting things a little more under control.   Life is so much easier when organized, and that is advice that other people keep trying to tell me!  When it comes to school, I do manage to organize somehow.(I mean I organize better than my own usual. No comparing.)  Not quite sure why, but it does let me know this might be something I'm decent at. ;) Forgive the ending preposition.

Chickens: No originals left of the first seven.  Bye, girls!  Two girls left from the second round, Red and White.  (Rhodie and Delaware)  Two chicks survived our first summer batch of seven; two barred rocks, one named floppy because she has a very huge and floppy comb.  But she isn't a rooster!  She lays!  Our latest mixed batch of 10 chicks has five survivors; two australorps and 3 buff orpingtons.  We just moved the last babies, so all girls are in the same enclosure together.  Another 4 weeks and we'll get eggs from the "babies".  So nine chickens once again, 5 varieties.  No easter eggers this time, with the green eggs.  I would get rid of the white delaware, she's a total meanie, but I couldn't catch her this summer for the chicken swap meets.  Oh well!

So I'll be posting Picasa pictures eventually, and I've got a few cute things from the kids to post.  I'm around!